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Ayo Kembalikan Konsep Ekstrim Kanan dan Ekstrim Kiri

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I have to be capricious to Jokowi. Why? Because I'm horrified. Scary. That is the face of state schools and campuses in Indonesia. Intolerance, anti-diversity, anti-pluralism has penetrated. The cause is the outbreak of Wahhabism, Khilafah and radical Islam in the educational environment – which is related to factors outside of schools and campuses which are also more frightening. Real khilafah behavior is used as a reference for school children and students. scary.

The letter circulating about the University of Indonesia (UI) and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) as centers of radical Islamic activities is not a figment of the imagination. A clean-up movement - to strengthen radical Islam - a la radical Islam took place. The method? They control all academic equipment and activities on campus. Chancellors, Deans, University Senate, Student Senate, activity units, mosques and business units they control.

Previously, at the primary and secondary education levels, tactical mastery was also carried out. In PAUD, SD, SMP, radicalism is built through teachers. Educational institutions under the guise of IT, such as SDIT, are almost certain to be owned by PKS and HTI. In high school, they started with activities called Rohis and OSIS. On campus they are even more radical. The cycle from early childhood education to tertiary institutions takes over.

The face of state schools and campuses in Indonesia is full of intolerance. The Wahhabi movement, the caliphate, and radical Islamic teachings in schools and colleges have fueled intolerance. The movement, which has been active for more than 30 years, is now reaping the results. Intolerance, anti-Pancasila, anti-establishment, anti-government emerged in society. The country is in danger. The existence of the Republic of Indonesia is threatened.

(PKS is a form of formal and legal harvest of religious conservatism – which is similar to the AKP Party in Turkey. Their ideology is the same: the Muslim Brotherhood. In Egypt and many Gulf countries, IM is a terrorist organization. FPI is a portrait of the omission of radical Islamic movement organizations in society, inciting chaos in the name of religion.)

Wahhabism and the caliphate movement unite with the Muslim Brotherhood in Indonesia. It's phenomenal. Even though the three radical Islamic movements have different ideological struggles. However, because they are pressed in the Middle East, and various parts of the Earth, they close ranks. This is one of the reasons why PKS continues to receive support in the 2019 election.

Conditions outside the campus and educational institutions are getting worse. A small portion (20% according to the survey) of BUMN employees, ASN have been exposed to radical views. Caliphate ideology. The proof is in state-owned mosques circulating sermons on the teachings of the caliphate by ex-HTI ustadz. There are also many ASN who openly oppose Pancasila. Followers of the caliphate. One of them is phenomenal, Adyaksa Dault.

This harvest of radicalism is a challenge for President Jokowi. If you want Indonesia not to fall to pieces like Syria, the people have supported it by not voting for Prabowo, then Jokowi must fix education from preschool to university. The method?

Jokowi will integrate all his strength and resources to fight the threat of Indonesia's collapse by the anti-NKRI, anti-Pancasila, pro-Khilafah and ISIS movements. TNI/Polri must be strengthened and purged of non-Red-White elements. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Technology must be dismantled in order to have nails that can penetrate campuses like UI and IPB. Cleaning from the chancellor to other elements.

Jokowi will also create a basic curriculum to teach Nationalism, Nationalism and Love for the motherland. Indonesian children must love the Indonesian nation and culture more than Arabic culture. Indonesian students should be proud to hoist the Red and White flag. Not hoisting the Khilafah flag.

BUMN and ASN employees must be proud to serve the people. Not sucking up salaries, taxes, corruption for the caliphate movement. KPK and state institutions must be free from the interests of the caliphate movement.

5 years is short for Jokowi. Don't let Jokowi's time run out for power ceremonies. Deals and chaotic time spent serving the interests of political parties. Jokowi must work immediately to fulfill his promise: to defend the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia from falling into the hands of the caliphate. One way is through education. And, the people have voted for and supported Jokowi. (Author: Ninoy Karundeng).

Source: Javanese Satay
Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia

Saya harus caper ke Jokowi. Kenapa? Karena aku ngeri. Menakutkan. Itu wajah sekolah dan kampus negeri di Indonesia. Intoleransi , anti keberagaman, anti pluralisme telah merasuk. Penyebabnya adalah mewabahnya Wahabi, Khilafah, dan Islam radikal di lingkungan pendidikan – yang terkait dengan faktor di luar sekolah dan kampus yang juga lebih menakutkan. Perilaku khilafah yang nyata dijadikan rujukan anak sekolah dan mahasiswa. Serem.

Surat yang beredar tentang Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) sebagai pusat kegiatan Islam radikal bukan isapan jempol. Gerakan bersih-bersih – untuk menguatkan Islam radikal – ala Islam radikal berlangsung. Caranya? Mereka menguasai seluruh alat kelengkapan akademis dan kegiatan di kampus. Rektor, Dekan, Senat Universitas, Senat Mahasiswa, Unit kegiatan, masjid dan unit bisnis mereka kuasai.

Sebelumnya di tingkatan pendidikan dasar dan menengah juga dilakukan penguasaan secara taktis. Di PAUD, SD, SMP, radikalisme dibangun lewat guru. Lembaga pendidikan berkedok IT, seperti SDIT, hampir dapat dipastikan dimiliki oleh PKS dan HTI. Di SMA mulai dengan kegiatan yang disebut Rohis dan OSIS. Di kampus mereka lebih radikal lagi. Siklus sejak PAUD sampai perguruan tinggi menggurita.

Wajah sekolah dan kampus negeri di Indonesia penuh rasa intoleransi. Gerakan Wahabi, khilafah, dan ajaran Islam radikal di Sekolah dan Kampus telah memicu intoleransi. Gerakan yang sudah 30 tahun lebih bergerak itu kini tengah memanen hasilnya. Intoleransi, anti Pancasila, anti kemapanan, anti pemerintahan muncul di masyarakat. Negara dalam bahaya. Eksistensi NKRI terancam.

(PKS adalah salah satu wujud panen konservatisme agama yang formal dan legal – yang mirip Partai AKP di Turki. Ideologi mereka pun sama: Ikhwanul Muslimin. Yang di Mesir dan banyak negara Teluk, IM adalah organisasi teroris. FPI potret pembiaran ormas gerakan Islam radikal di masyarakat, pemicu kisruh atas nama agama.)

Wahabisme dan gerakan khilafah bersatu dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin di Indonesia. Ini fenomenal. Padahal ketiga gerakan Islam radikal itu memiliki perbedaan ideologi perjuangan. Namun, karena terdesak di Timur Tengah, dan berbagai belahan Bumi, mereka merapatkan barisan. Itu salah satu sebab PKS tetap mendapatkan dukungan suara di Pemilu 2019.

Kondisi di luar kampus dan lembaga pendidikan ini makin rusak lagi. Sebagian kecil (20% menurut survei) karyawan BUMN, ASN telah terpapar paham radikal. Ideologi khilafah. Buktinya di masjid-masjid BUMN beredar khotbah-khotbah ajaran khilafah oleh ustad eks HTI. Banyak pula ASN yang terang-terangan menentang Pancasila. Pengikut khilafah. Salah satunya yang fenomenal ya Adyaksa Dault.

Panen radikalisme ini menjadi tantangan Presiden Jokowi. Jika ingin Indonesia tidak hancur berkeping seperti Syria, rakyat sudah mendukung dengan tidak memilih Prabowo, maka Jokowi harus membenahi pendidikan sejak PAUD sampai perguruan tinggi. Caranya?

Jokowi akan mengintegrasikan seluruh kekuatan dan sumber daya untuk melawan ancaman ambruknya Indonesia oleh gerakan anti NKRI, anti Pancasila, pro Khilafah dan ISIS. TNI/Polri harus dikuatkan dan dibersihkan dari unsur non Merah-Putih. Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi dan Ristek harus dibongkar agar memiliki kuku merangsek kampus seperti UI dan IPB. Pembersihan dari rektor sampai unsur lainnya.

Jokowi juga akan membuat kurikulum dasar untuk mengajarkan Kebangsaan, Nasionalisme, dan Kecintaan terhadap tanah air. Anak-anak Indonesia harus lebih mencintai bangsa dan budaya Indonesia dibanding dengan budaya Arab. Mahasiswa Indonesia harus bangga mengerek bendera Merah Putih. Bukan mengerek bendera Khilafah.

Karyawan BUMN dan ASN harus bangga melayani rakyat. Bukan menghisap gaji, pajak, korupsi untuk gerakan khilafah. KPK dan lembaga-lembaga negara harus bebas dari kepentingan gerakan khilafah.

Waktu 5 tahun adalah pendek bagi Jokowi. Jangan sampai waktu Jokowi habis untuk seremonial kekuasaan. Deal-deal dan menghabiskan waktu kisruh melayani kepentingan parpol. Jokowi harus segera bekerja untuk menunaikan janjinya: mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI dari kejatuhan ke tangah khilafah. Salah satunya lewat pendidikan. Dan, rakyat telah memilih dan mendukung Jokowi. (Penulis: Ninoy Karundeng).

Sumber : Sate Jawa
Foto : Istimewa
Labels: Indonesia News

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