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Bahasa Indonesia
Sebagai penderita Asam Lambung seharusnya kita hafal, saat ketika kita sembuh, apa obat alami yang sangat membantu penyembuhannya, saat kambuh dulu.
Kalau daku kebetulan, saat aslam kambuh, daku googling, dan dapet obatnya yaitu dengan "nyecep jeruk + garam"
Nah kalau daku sih cocok tuh, nyecep jeruk + garam.
Jadi setiap rasa kepala sudah berat, dan / atau perut rasa kembung, dan / atau bahkan lapar terus, dan / atau sering bersendawa, dan / atau sesak nafas
Nah langsung deh daku membuat ramuan sakti ini.
Caranya :
Ambil Jeruk Lemon atau Nipis
- Potong melintang menjadi 2 bagian, lalu peras ke dalam gelas
- Masukan sedikit garam atau 1/4 sendok teh
- Bukan diminum, tapi cukup dicecep sedikit, lalu telan
Lakukan setiap sebelum makan, dan setelah makan
Kenapa harus garam + Jeruk Nipis?
Asam lambung adalah HCl (Asam Chlorida) bersifat asam
- NaCl (Garam) + H2O (Air) = NaOH (Natrium Hidroksida) bersifat basa
- Lemon/Jeruk Nipis, meskipun rasanya asem, tapi sifatnya basa.
Dengan demikian, rasa asem ditekan dengan asinnya Garam, sehingga ramuan ini, cukup enak untuk di ujung lidah.
Dengan demikian, reaksi yang terjadi didalam lambung, Asam bertemu Basa menjadi Netral
Makanan Pendukung:
Makan tempe (Goreng tanpa Tepung) secukupnya, tanpa nasi.
Catatan :
Bagi penderita asam lambung, tukak lambung, atau maag, jangan lupa gosok gigi sebelum tidur di malam hari... Agar sisa makanan pada mulut, yang bisa melahirkan bakteri, tidak tertelan hingga ke lambung, saat kita tidur...
Selamat mencoba, semoga cocok seperti daku
Ohya, resep itu daku tulis ulang, dari info yang daku dapat di sini
As sufferers of gastric acid, we should memorize, when we recover, what natural remedies really help cure it, when it relapses first.
If I happen to be, when stomach acid relapses, I googling, and I get the medicine, namely "slurp the orange + salt"
Well, for me, it suits me, I sip the orange + salt.
So every feeling of having a heavy head, and / or stomach feeling bloated, and / or even hungry all the time, and / or often burping, and / or shortness of breath
So, I immediately made this magic concoction.
The method :
Take Lemon or Lime
- Cut crosswise into 2 pieces, then squeeze into a glass
- Add a pinch of salt or 1/4 teaspoon
- Not drink it, but just swallow it a little, then swallow it
Do it every time before eating, and after eating
Why should salt + Lime?
Stomach acid is HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which is acidic
- NaCl (Salt) + H2O (Water) = NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) is basic
- Lemon / Lime, even though it tastes sour, but it is alkaline.
Thus, the tamarind taste is suppressed by the saltiness of the salt, so that this concoction, is pleasant enough for the tip of the tongue.
Thus, the reaction that occurs in the stomach, Acid meets Base becomes Neutral
Supporting Food:
Eat enough tempeh (fried without flour), without rice.
Notes :
For people with stomach acid, stomach ulcers, or ulcers, don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed at night... So that leftovers in the mouth, which can give birth to bacteria, are not swallowed up to the stomach, when we sleep...
Good luck, I hope it fits like me
Oh yeah, I rewrote the recipe, from the info I got here
May be useful
We can indeed make medicine, but it will still heal with the permission of God Almighty
Source: Sate Jawa
Photo: Special