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President Jokowi is great in the international arena - Hebatnya Presiden Jokowi di kancah Internasional

Jakarta  (WWT) - Artikel Berbahasa Indonesia, setelah Artikel Berbahasa Inggris

Great is our President on the international stage... President Joko Widodo will attend the closing of the G20 Summit which will be held in Rome, Italy, at the end of October 2021.
The G-20 is a group of countries with the highest incomes in the world. From Southeast Asia, only Indonesia is a member of the G-20.

"Mr President Joko Widodo will attend the closing of the G20 Summit in Rome on 30-31 October," Airlangga said at a press conference in preparation for the 2022 G20 Presidency.

Indonesia also Handover the Presidency of the UNIDO-UN Industrial Development Council

Airlangga said, at the closing of the G20 Summit in Rome, Jokowi would officially receive the baton for the G20 presidency.

Later, the Indonesian presidency will take effect from 1 December 2021 to November 2022.

"And there the President will officially receive the handover of the baton for the G20 presidency from the Prime Minister of Italy to the President of the Republic of Indonesia," he said. πŸ‘πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨

Source: Javanese Satay
Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia
Hebat Presiden kita di kancah Internasional... Presiden Joko Widodo akan menghadiri penutupan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 yang diselenggarakan di Roma,Italia, pada akhir Oktober 2021.   

G-20 adalah kelompok negara2 dgn pendapatan tertinggi di dunia. Dari Asia Tenggara, hanya Indonesia anggota G-20.

“Bapak presiden Bapak Joko Widodo akan menghadiri penutupan KTT G20 di Roma pada tanggal 30-31 Oktober mendatang,” kata Airlangga dalam konferensi pers dalam persiapan menuju Presidensi G20 2022.

Indonesia juga Lakukan Serah Terima Presidensi Dewan Pembangunan Industri UNIDO-PBB

Airlangga mengatakan, dalam pennutupan KTT G20 di Roma, Jokowi secara resmi akan menerima tongkat estafet presidensi G20.

Nantinya, presidensi Indonesia akan mulai berlaku sejak 1 Desember 2021 hingga November 2022.

“Dan di sana Bapak Presiden akan menerima secara resmi penyerahan tongkat estafet presidensi G20 dari Perdana Menteri Italia kepada Presiden Republik Indonesia,” ucapnya. πŸ‘πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨

Sumber : Sate Jawa
Foto : Istimewa
Labels: Indonesia News, Political Economy

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